<p><img src="https://static1.businessinsider.com/image/60ba320d93c6fa00195e5238-1067/KAYY9378.jpg" border="0" alt="Aubrey Huffmann and Kenzie Swift" data-mce-source="Details Darling" data-mce-caption="Aubrey Huffmann and Kenzie Swift."></p><p></p><bi-shortcode id="summary-shortcode" data-type="summary-shortcode" class="mceNonEditable" contenteditable="false">Summary List Placement</bi-shortcode><p>I started <a href="https://detailsdarling.com/">Details, Darling</a> with my sister, Kenzie Swift, about six years ago.</p><p>We were working events here and there, but then we got connected with <a href="https://beinspiredpr.com/tassels-and-tastemakers">Tassels and Tastemakers</a>, a networking industry event for wedding planners, through a mutual friend. We were actually pouring wine and helping there when a wedding planner asked if we wanted to come assist her, and we decided to try it.</p><p>Once we worked our first wedding, we looked at each other and just knew it was what we were meant to do. We started by assisting other planners and working as day-of independent contractors for a few wedding planners in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara for a year, but we found that it was really hard to make a solid income, so we decided to start our own company and hit the ground running.</p><p>Kenzie interned for a nonprofit wine company and helped with a few of their events as well, while I was working at a coworking space and helped facilitate their internal events. We were both servers at different restaurants for two years while getting our business off the ground and gaining a steady income from weddings.</p><h2><strong>We had no real background in business and honestly just faked it 'til we made it.</strong></h2><p>Now, we typically plan about 60 weddings a year in addition to our smaller events, and our pricing for weddings run from $3,200 to $9,000 depending on the package.</p><p><img src="https://static2.businessinsider.com/image/60ba328493c6fa00195e523a-781/aubrey_austin_wedding-favorites-0021.jpg" border="0" alt="aubrey_austin_wedding favorites 0021" data-mce-source="Details, Darling" data-mce-caption="A Details, Darling wedding."></p><p>We worked on building a big presence on social mediawe now have more than 25,000 followers on <a href="https://www.instagram.com/detailsdarling/'hl=en">Instagram</a>. We did this thing called "Darling of the Month" where we featured different companies in the wedding industry, and that's how we got to know people.</p><div><h1></h1> <blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-version="3" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; width:100%; max-width:100%; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px); width:540px"> <div style="padding:8px;"> <div style=" background:#F8F8F8; line-height:0; margin-top:40px; padding:50% 0; text-align:center; width:100%;"> <div style=" background:url(); display:block; height:44px; margin:0 auto -44px; position:relative; top:-22px; width:44px;"></div> </div> <p style="color:#c9c8cd; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;"><a href="https://instagram.com/p/CO_o9ZAJAUZ/" style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none;" target="_top">A post shared by Details, Darling (@detailsdarling)</a>on <time style=" font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime=""></time></p> </div> </blockquote> <script async defer src="//platform.instagram.com/en_US/embeds.js"></script></div><p>We had some awesome mentors and other wedding planners who were giving us referrals if they were booked and then we met some other great vendors, like florists and venues, that started referring us, too. We started just in LA and now we're in LA, San Diego, and Orange County with a team of five girls.</p><h2>We always love bachelorette parties because we're allowed a lot of creative freedom.</h2><p><img src="https://static2.businessinsider.com/image/60ba338893c6fa00195e5243-1600/joshuatree-bach-05.jpg" border="0" alt="joshuatree bach 05" data-mce-source="A Raw Collection" data-mce-caption="A bachelorette party in Joshua Tree, California."></p><p>Sometimes, we don't get that freedom with a wedding because we're following someone else's opinions and wishlist. With bachelorette parties and bridal showers, we get to create fun themes, which we love.</p><p>My favorites include a neutral, nautical-themed bachelorette party we planned in Malibu with seashells and pearls galore.</p><p><img src="https://static6.businessinsider.com/image/60ba34ace459cb0018a2c2fe-856/Screen%20Shot%202021-05-17%20at%202.18.51%20PM.png" border="0" alt="Screen Shot 2021 05 17 at 2.18.51 PM" data-mce-source="Details, Darling" data-mce-caption="A nautical themed bachelorette party in Malibu."></p><p>Kenzie also planned a super fun "Mar-chella" themed bachelorette party in Palm Springs. They had a fun ferris wheel photo backdrop, wristbands for all the ladies, and custom "Marchella" donuts for dessert.</p><p><img src="https://static4.businessinsider.com/image/60ba341ee459cb0018a2c2fa-2400/IMG_4279.jpeg" border="0" alt="Details, Darling" data-mce-source="Details, Darling" data-mce-caption="A &quotMar-chella&quot themed bachelorette party in Palm Springs, California."></p><p>Pricing depends on a few factors, but we typically start at $750 for a virtual design and it goes up from there, depending on if you need us to actually be onsite for the setup.</p><h2><strong>When we plan bachelorette parties, we'll get to the house or venue before the wedding party gets there.</strong></h2><p>This has become even more popular since the pandemic. Things are definitely getting back to normal, but I think the pandemic showed people that you can still have a blast staying at an awesome Airbnb all weekend and find activities to do there staying in instead of going out to clubs or big dinners in a big town every night.</p><p>When we set up, sometimes the maid-of-honor will come help if she wants to as well, but we hit the ground running on setting everything up.</p><p>We usually have welcome bags that have the itinerary, gifts, and cute shirts that we'll set up first. Then we'll put together a drink station, lots of balloons, and some sort of tablescape for a dinner that night.</p><p><img src="https://static1.businessinsider.com/image/60ba34f293c6fa00195e524e-1600/joshuatree-bach-10.jpg" border="0" alt="joshuatree bach 10" data-mce-source="A Raw Collection" data-mce-caption="A bachelorette party in Joshua Tree, California."></p><p>Then there's always some sort of backdrop that the girls can take pictures in front of. We mostly handle the design aspect and let the bridal party handle the coordination and itinerary.</p><h2><strong>For a great bachelorette party, we recommend some sort of experience along with the decor.</strong></h2><p>Whether that means bringing in a chef, a bartender, or a DJ for around the pool. Making meals for a big group and cleaning can be labor-intensive, so even having one special dinner that's themed and cooked for you helps take the burden off the bridal party.</p><p>Then the rest of the meals can be easily prepared stuff from Costco, but this adds a fun upscale element to the weekend and is another reason to get dressed up. It makes everybody a little less rowdy as well!</p><p>For example, we had a client host her bachelorette at Whisper Rock Ranch in Joshua Tree with the theme 'southwestern desert.' The first night we had a fancy dinner among the stars, and the second night we had a DIY pizza-making class and a movie night on the deck.</p><p><img src="https://static1.businessinsider.com/image/60ba354893c6fa00195e5251-1415/joshuatree-bach-14.jpg" border="0" alt="joshuatree bach 14" data-mce-source="A Raw Collection" data-mce-caption="A bachelorette party in Joshua Tree, California."></p><p>We also love doing silent discos. It's super inexpensive to rent and super easy. It was a blast, and you can do it anywhere, even if you're in an area that has noise restrictions.</p><p>Lastly, it's great to have themes for every daywhether it's Coachella or Olympicsjust to make everyone excited to get up, get dressed, and take pictures.</p><h2><strong>When it comes to weddings, it's all-hands-on-deck and we'll always be onsite the entire day. We send our couples a questionnaire to start.</strong></h2><p>Our whole brand is about wanting our clients' guests to walk away and say, "That wedding was so Aubrey and Austin," or whoever the couple is.</p><p>The questionnaire asks about who they are, how they met, how they got engaged, what they do for their jobs, things like that, because we've learned that when people write down their stories they tend to really dive into fun details and will say little things that spark our creativity.</p><p>We're also very active on Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest, so we look at what the trends are, then put our own little spin on it. I draw a lot of inspiration from displays at stores, like Anthropology and West Elm, to come up with different concepts for seating charts and ideas that people haven't really done in the past.</p><p>For example, we saw a bunch of spray-painted hanging Edison lightbulbs at this boutique in Arizona and Kenzie had a bride whose last name was "Power." We decided to mimic the concept and hang spray-painted lights in their color palette for the seating chart and used the tagline, "We've Got The Power."</p><p>We're the first people there managing the timeline and all the guests and vendors, and the last people to leave breaking down and cleaning everything up. Most of our weddings are 16-hour days and very labor-intensive.</p><p><a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/wedding-bachelorette-party-planner-how-started-business-what-job-like-2021-6#comments">Join the conversation about this story »</a></p> <p>NOW WATCH: <a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/how-the-1999-russian-apartment-bombings-led-to-putins-rise-to-power-2018-3">How the 1999 Russian apartment bombings led to Putin's rise to power</a></p>
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