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Black lady reportedly denied her salary because of her "extereme Mohawk" hairdo

Published by Lailas Blog on Tue, 21 Mar 2017

Charleen Momperousse, an African-American Haitian flight attendant, who was denied pay because of a hairdo her supervisor labelled an "extreme mohawk", has dragged the airline company, JetBlue flight, to court.In her newly filed Brooklyn federal lawsuit, Momperousse argues that JetBlue's policy, which bans hairdos like mohawk, creates unfair turbulence for African-American Haitian employees like her 'merely due to the texture of their hair.'The 37-year-old who alleged that the incident happened in December, 2015, also disclosed thatan unidentified Hispanic male co-worker with the sides of his hair shaved did not get into trouble, also, a white female crew member who 'had an up-do and the sides of her hair ... gelled' also flew under the radar. She further alleged that she still sports the same look, but told the Daily News she now she hides it with weaves and wigs on the job ' so as 'not to draw attention to myself.'Here's how NY Daily reported the incident;"Momperousse was a flight attendant with the carrier for 11 years who had earned respect from co-workers and compliments from passengers.She'd also been sporting her new hairstyle for about three months.She was planning to work the next leg of a three-day trip when a supervisor asked to speak with her at the carrier's JFK Airport premises. The supervisor told Momperousse he thought her hair was violating policy and passed along his views to a base manager.He also marked Momperousse as unavailable to work an upcoming flight from JFK to Turks and Caicos.Momperousse waited hours to speak with her direct supervisor about what happened. That higher-up purportedly said, 'Your hair is not cut into a mohawk.'Even still, the superior objecting to the cut told Momperousse's direct supervisor her hair was 'even more extreme from the previous day and (she) should not be allowed on the flight.'I am glad you enjoyed my story. Visit us at www.LailasBlog.com to stay updated with more interesting/exclusive news like these. Click HERE now to do that.
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