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Nairobi to Host Special IGAD Summit on Somali Refugees

Published by APO Africa Newsroom on Tue, 21 Mar 2017

A special summit of Heads of State and Government will be convened on Saturday 25th March 2017 in Nairobi, Kenya bringing together member states of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the international community and other stakeholders to marshal a comprehensive regional approach to deliver durable solutions for Somali refugees, whilst promoting sustainable reintegration of returnees in Somalia.The summit will be preceded by a special session of the IGAD ministerial committee on durable solutions for Somali refugees on Friday 24th March 2017 bringing together ministers responsible for interior, security and refugee affairs from the Horn of Africa region. More than two million Somalis have been displaced in one of the worlds most protracted humanitarian crises that have now entered its third decade. An estimated 1.1 million people are internally displaced (IDPs) within Somalia and nearly 900,000 are refugees in the region.Continuing political and security stabilization progress in Somalia, along with growing pressures in hosting countries, makes this a critical moment to renew efforts to find durable solutions for Somali refugees. The election of the new President of Somalia in February 2017 and Parliament in December 2016 marks a milestone in the countrys post-conflict transformation. This provides the opportunity to accelerate progress on national priorities, including: security sector development; completing the constitutional review process; building State institutions and local government; addressing humanitarian crises shocks and displacement; continuing dialogue with Somaliland; and improving public finance management and revenue collection.You are most welcome to attend the official opening of both events. Please submit the names of those who will cover the events for accreditation to the Ministry of Foreign AffairsJane Kariuki, Chief Information Officer, jaynekariuki11@gmail.comDistributed by APO on behalf of EU Delegation to Kenya.Media filesDownload logo
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