I'm used to the look of shame I get from my peers when I crack open a fresh can of sugar-free Red Bull. Still,the questions ' and judgment ' never end. "That stuff'll kill you," someone said to me the other day, shaking his head. "So many chemicals!" was the one I heard last week.Truth be told, Red Bull (at least the sugar-free kind) isn't all that terriblefor you. In fact, besides having only 10 calories and no sugar, it has only 80 milligrams of caffeine, or about a thirdthe amount in a tall Starbucks drip coffee. As far as its other ingredients'namelyB vitamins and taurine'go, scientific studies have found bothto be safe.But my favorite source of caffeine isn't the only harmless food or drink that gets a bad rap. Here are some of the rest, along with the real science behind their safety.SEE ALSO:15 'health foods' you're better off avoidingDON'T MISS:Here's what the maximum amount of caffeine you should be drinking in a day looks likeEggsThe myth:The massive amounts of cholesterol in eggs will translate to a massive amount of cholesterol in your veins.Why it's bogus:Even though eggs are very high in cholesterol (a single egg packs roughly 186mg), eating them will most likely not translate into higher blood cholesterol for you. The first studies that suggested it would were done in rabbits, as my colleague Kevin Loria reported, and as we all know, rabbits are not people. So go ahead, pop a perfectly poachedeggon that avocado toast. You know you want to.Carbonated drinksThe myth:Fizzy water is all the rage these days, showing up in grocery store isles in flavors ranging from coconutto watermelon. But many people worry the bubbles cause kidney stones, leach calcium from yourbones, and even strip the enamel from your teeth.Why it's bogus: The bubbly stuff is just as good for youasplain old water, Jennifer McDaniel, a registered dietitian and certified specialist in sports dietetics, told my colleague Dina Spector."Carbonated or sparkling water is made by dissolving carbon dioxide in water, creating carbonic acid. This process just adds bubblesit does not add sugar, calories, or caffeine. Tonic water, club soda, and mineral water are all types of carbonated water, but these have added sodium, vitamins, or sweeteners, so it's important to read the label," Spector writes.GlutenThe myth: As more and more of your friends go gluten-free, you may be wondering: Is there something to this latest diet craze' Is gluten intolerance a thing' Is it getting more common'Why it's bogus: Only about 1% of people worldwide actually have celiac disease, the rare genetic disorder that makes people intolerant to gluten, according to the Celiac Disease Foundation. For the rest of us, this doughy, chewy ingredient is simplyhow it tastes: delicious!See the rest of the story at Business Insider
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