As we wrote about in 'China's Strategy,' East Asia is split into four parts: The Pacific archipelago, the Chinese mainland, the Korean Peninsula, and Indochina. East Asia holds the second and third largest world economies: China and Japan. The relationship between them and the US define modern East Asian geopolitics.East Asia is the world's most dynamic economic region. Strong countries surround bodies of water over which there is competition. These are some of the world's most important sea lanes. Japan and China (in that order) are the region's two most significant powers.But as we wrote about last year, the most powerful country in the Pacific, the US, is far away. Its Navy patrols and keeps freedom of movement across the Pacific. At the center of this power struggle is China. China's struggle against its domestic and geographic constraints is the key to understanding the future of this region.(Download my FREE e-book, The World Explained in Maps, to get more insight into the forces shaping our physical and financial worlds.)China's Power Can Be Seen from Outer SpaceThe above map shows the countries of East Asia lit up at night. It reveals much about the power dynamics in this region. The centers of Chinese wealth and powerincluding Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kongall hug Chinas long coastline. Geographic features in the interior divide the country. The rest of the country is in darkness.Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan are major industrial powers that border these waters along Chinas coast. Much of the rest of East Asia is in darkness. North Koreas darkness is particularly striking.But relative to the bright lights of Chinas coast and Japan, much of Indochina and inner China are also undeveloped.Western China Is Nearly UninhabitableThe abovemap shows population density in China with the 15-inch isohyet overlaid on top.The area of China from this line to the coast gets enough rain to support a large population. North and west of the 15-inch isohyet, China is less populated and undeveloped.Geography Limits China's ExpansionThe distance from Beijing to Kazakhstan is almost 2,500 miles through desert and mountains. The Himalayas box China in on the southwest. They also stop conflict between India and China.Jungles on the border with Myanmar, Vietnam, and Thailand have always limited Chinese growth south.It is hard for China to grow westward. When Chinas power is ascendant, it can grow north, south, or east toward the Pacific. This is easier said than done. Japan continues to be the major regional power. China would still face certain defeat against Japan, especially with US support of the Japanese.So, China is mainly focused on two things. Controlling its chaotic domestic political and economic situation as growth rates have slowed. And building its military. First for resistance and then for offensive action in the region.See the rest of the story at Business Insider
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