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Conception Is A Miracle

Published by Leadership on Sat, 18 Mar 2017

Having a baby may seem simple, but the reality of conception and pregnancy is far from simple. On the contrary, it is actually extremely complicated. There are many stages in the process where the chain of events may break down. Its no surprise that some people experience problems with getting pregnant. In any given month, couples aged 28-33 years with normal functioning reproductive systems have only a 20-25 percent chance of conceiving. After six months of trying, only 60 percent of couples will conceive without medical assistance.Most of the time, a woman wont know the exact day she conceived or got pregnant. She may count the start of pregnancy from the first day of the last period. Normally, an egg lives for about 12-24 hours after its released. For you to get pregnant, a sperm must fertilise the egg within this time. Sperm can live for up to 3-5 days inside the womans body. This means, if a couple have sex up to five days before the woman ovulates, or within a day or so of ovulating, she could conceive.It can be inferred that intercourse few days before ovulation can lead to conception. As long as one sperm remains alive, there is a chance of conception. About 24 hours after ovulation, the risk of pregnancy disappears when the womans egg dies.The steps to conception and pregnancy are quite complex and its a miracle that it happens at all. First, the couple must have intercourse every other day around the time of ovulation, because sperm live for only about 72 hours. Not only must the woman ovulate a mature egg, it must be picked up by a healthy Fallopian tube; the man must produce sufficient healthy and strongly swimming sperm; the sperm must reach the egg; the egg must change its structure to become a fertilized embryo; genetic material of the embryo must be correct; the embryo must divide correctly to form a blastocyst; and the blastocyst must implant in the womb and be accepted. The wall of the womb must be healthy and ready to allow a fertilized embryo to implant.Failure of the sperm or egg to make an important connection anywhere along this complicated itinerary will prevent pregnancy from occurring. And to complicate matters, genetic miscoding will often lead to the embryo not implanting, or disintegrating soon after implantation.At this moment of implantation, pregnancy has officially occurred and the placental tissue begins to secrete a hormone called hCG. Implantation may take place as early as a handful of days after ovulation or well over a week. On average, one can expect implantation to occur about seven to ten days after ovulation.It is estimated that 60- 80 percent of all naturally conceived embryos are simply flushed out in womens normal menstrual flows unnoticed. And the older a woman gets, the less chance she has of getting pregnant. Women aged 40 and above have only a 5 per cent chance or less of becoming pregnant naturally in any one month.So how does the sperm get to the egg' Good question. A man ejaculates an average quantity of semen, usually containing between 100 million and 300 million sperms. Less than 100,000 of them manage to pass through the cervix (opening of the womb). Only about 200 will make it through the Fallopian Tubes and only one will fertilize the egg.The sperm leaves the mans penis by ejaculation and are deposited in the vagina high up near the cervix. The sperm immediately begin swimming and some will find their way into the cervix. Sperms have a long journey towards the egg. From the cervix they enter the womb and swim towards the Fallopian tubes. Strangely, the vagina and the womb are not very friendly environments for sperm, but once inside the Fallopian tubes the ejaculated sperm finds its way to the egg. Once they meet, the process of fertilization begins. Many sperm will bind to the shell of the egg, but only one sperm will be allowed to go all the way through to reach the egg inside the shell.Sperm can survive for a few days in the female reproductive system. Once the sperm has gained entry to the egg, a complex chain of events occurs over a period of about 16-24 hours. Following this the egg can now be said to be a fertilized embryo and would normally be at this stage one day after ovulation.For the next few days, the embryos genetic material divides and then enters the blastocyst stage. From the Fallopian tube, the blastocyst enters the womb. Over the next few days it hatches out of its shell and attaches or implants into the wall of the womb. It will grow and eventually form blood vessel connections with the mother.This stage of connecting with the womb wall is called implantation and is another critical stage in achieving a pregnancy. At this point a pregnancy test would be positive. The embryo continues to grow and develop the different types of cells and structures necessary to become a baby. The process of conception has occurred and the woman can now be said to be pregnant.
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