Being an introvert is a lot more trouble bydefault, from people miscontruing yoursilence and quiet disposition for an awfulsnub to people thinking you are too full ofyourself or you are so weird. You don'twant to compound issues for yourself bytowing a career path meant for gregariousextroverts' Do you' I didn't think so either.So except you want to become an extrovertovernight, here are top 5 Jobs or Careersyou should avoid.Caveat: this list are for 100% introvertswith no extroverted tendencies whatsoever. As we all know, some people are actually a blend ofthe both temperaments.1. MARKETTING: This jobs is quite taskingeven the outgoing type gets depleted by itoccasionally, you don't want to be foundhere trust me. You are bad at relating withstrangers, you find it difficult to smilewithout a reason and to crown it all youare a pessimist which means you have nooption than to fail at this, so no matter howjuicy and tempting the price is; neverventure into it. Asides from you being aloser, plunging into depression is certain.You are an introvert.2. MEDICINE: Granted, you are well endowedwith intellect and you can concentrate forlong hours reading, you have few friends,you rarely socialize so books are your bestbuddies but you see being a doctor ornurse demands more than that even thoughstudying is the most imperative. The warmsmiles, the jovial attitudes, the lively andfun personalities of the extroverts do havea psychological effect on patients whetheryou choose to believe it or not and youclearly don't possess any of thesequalities. You might turnout to be a greatDoc or nurse but don't be surprised when apatient gets a heart attack because of thatconstant scowl on your face.3. ACTING: So you use to act playlets wayback as a kid and no doubt you aretalented, you now feel acting is the way togo, sorry friend, it's a wrong call you aboutto make. you could act back then becauseyou are in a familiar environment and youare less nervous around the people youknow. Acting as a career will not give youthat familiar audience to show your talent.What if you hit stardom' How do youhandle the limelight attentions, interviews,exposure and some of the hazards thatcome with being a celebrity. Well since youhave a knack for depression, whatbecomes of you when your daily life isbeing dissected and misconstrued by thepublic via social media on a daily basis'I'm looking at a scenario where you call itquits at the peak of your acting careerbecause of depression and the publicpoking into your dear private life which issuch a shame if you ask me. So betterdon't go in.4. POLITICS: Why should you be thinking ofthis when you are a greenhorn at cheerleading and you are socially incapacitated.If you manage to pull through in all thenumerous campaign outings and you arefinally elected be it at any level of politics,how many ceremonial invitations thatrequires your presence and functions areyou going to turn down on the grounds ofemotionally drained batteries' Or perhapsyou want your deputy to steal the showand probably buy the hearts of legislatorsto impeach you. Politics requires anoutgoing charisma, a flair for unionism anda love for limelight. So it doesn't matter ifyou have the passion to liberate yourpeople from the shackles of whatever thathas held them bound or you have bigdreams of making your constituencyenviable, you lack the temperament for it.If the drive is so strong on your inside, youcan ally with a sociable person that youcan influence or walk your way to beingappointed as a special adviser in a relevantfield.5. BUSINESS : Being successful in businessdemands the risk taking habits of sociallyinclined people not the pessimic nature ofintroverts who will first look at the consbefore the pros. They suffer fromuncertainty and indecision which will in thelong run jeopardize chances of majorbreakthrough in business. Since you oftenlack self motivation, any storm in businessmight throw you off balance causing you toprobably give up too soon and plunge intodepression or make you seek foralternatives abandoning the presentcourse. Your low social life also affectsyour interaction with customers, peoplewould prefer to rather patronize a friendlyperson's business rather your withdrawnintroverted self. Most of the crumbledbusinesses you see around are as a resultof some introverts who got doomed bytheir own temperaments because theytreaded the wrong path.In conclusion it is salient to know yourstrengths and weakness and go for whatworks you. Your passion should be yourfuel in the drive to success. Good luck!!!source:
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