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INFAMY Is Not Robert K Tanenbaum At His Best

Published by Huffington Post on Sun, 02 Oct 2016

Book Review- Jackie K CooperINFAMY by Robert K TanenbaumNovelist Robert K. Tanenbaum created a character many years ago by the name of Butch Karp. When he wrote about Butch he also included his wife Marlene, daughter Lucy, and twin sons Zak and Giancarlo. This family has populated Tanenbaum's series for twenty-eight books. The latest is titled INFAMY.In this story there is a top secret military plot which involves some high ranking government officials. There are also deadly deeds committed by a rich corporate genius. Throw in a few murders and you have the basis for an exciting plot. But somehow it isn't. It feels like everything has been thrown up against the wall and nothing has stuck.Even in the courtroom scenes, which is where Tanenbaum usually excels, nothing is impressive. There is no excitement, no Perry Mason" surprises, no brilliance on the part of the New York District Attorney - Mr. Karp himself. This is not the way Tanenbaum usually writes, at least not in my recollection.All of the Karp characters are on display but aside from Butch none of them plays a major part in the story. They are brought into the plot just to remind of us of who they are, and then they move on to hopefully new adventures that will be recounted in a future novel. Still their presence is missed here. We need the repartee that usually flows between Butch and Marlene. We need the family scenes that endear all of the Karp family to us. But most of all we need a tight plot that holds us spellbound to the pages of the story.INFAMY (what does that title even mean') is a Tanenbaum novel in name only. It doesn't feature his signature elements. It also seems loosely edited as the flow of the story is not set up in the best interest of the plot. When we read a Tanenbaum novel we expect a certain standard of delivery and quality. INFAMY is a story that any writer could produce, but it is not up to the standards of story telling we expect and demand from Tanenbaum. It is his fault. He has set the bar high with his previous works.This will not keep me from reading future Tanenbaum books. I know how talented a writer he is, and I suspect this was only a glitch. Next time he will be back entertaining me as well as affecting me emotionally. I hope so for I don't want this to be our last meeting.If you can be entertained by a story that focuses more on actions than actors, this book might suit you. I am just so used to being entertained by the Karp family that a book primarily about others just doesn't cut it with me.INFAMY is published by Gallery Books. It contains 368 pages and sells for $27.00. Jackie K Cooperwww.jackiekcooper.com -- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
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