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"5 Internet Marketing Tactics That Will Never Go Out Of Fashion"

Published by Nairaland on Sat, 01 Oct 2016

Different forms of internet marketing tactics appear and disappear online all the time. But when you're managing an online business you need reliable internet marketing tactics that aren't suddenly going to become redundant. for newbies in the house that still wonder what internet marketing is, Businessdictionary defined it as Marketing efforts done solely over the Internet. according to webopedia, internet marketing, or online marketing, refers to advertising and marketing efforts that use the Web and email to drive direct sales via electronic commerce. in a simpler term, according to Importexpert, internet marketing is any legitimate effort you make to earn online. it can be mini importation, affiliate marketing, ecommerce, blogging etc.The 5 internet marketing tactics below will never go out of fashion. In fact, the only way they will, is if people stop using the internet altogether. And how likely is that'1. Content Marketingseveral years ago when i started learning about blogs, forums and websites in general, i was always told that content remains king. as true as it was then, so is it also true today. High quality website content material is essential if you want to make an impression on your target. The more quality content on your website, the more you will improve on the organic traffic from the search engines. Also, when websites are updated regularly with content that is useful, thorough and provides value, the more repeat visitors and customers you will have. take Nairaland as an example and you will understand better. it is the presence of regularly updated high quality content that makes you type "nairaland" on your browser daily 2. Search Engine OptimizationSearch Engine Optimization (SEO) is all about tuning your website to get highest search engine results rankings possible to drive organic, non-paid, traffic to your website. Over 90% of internet searches go to sites that are on the first page of search results. You need to ensure that your internet marketing tactics for SEO adhere to a search engine's terms of service. This includes providing quality content using suitable keywords and making your website easy to navigate. take Nl as a case study again, some years ago around 2008 or so, i use to think seun has a partnership with google and they were directing traffic to him. the reason was that everything i searched google tells me to go to NL. the truth is that you need to make your site seo friendly and you will thank me later.3. Online BrandingIf your website looks unprofessional, is complicated to navigate, is full of spelling mistakes or takes an age to load, it's not going to reflect very well on your business brand. You need to prove that you are legitimate internet business, not a fly-by-night operation that will disappear as soon as you've got hold of the customer's money. Remember the law in "48 Laws of power" that says "your reputation is all that you have, guard it with your life". although i dont remember law number what it was but your brand online is just like your reputation, make it to stand out at what ever cost.4. The Power Of Social MediaSocial media is not going to go out of fashion. More than 72% of internet users are active on social media platforms. Using social media correctly can really push you in front of your competitors. Social media websites have a high number of site visitors that enable you to engage and communicate with your target audience.5. Video MarketingInternet users love video. Statistics show that sales pages with a video convert 80% better than those that do not. Video is an internet marketing tactic that can develop your online presence dramatically. They can be made quickly on a smartphone and uploaded online in minutes. Videos sites like YouTube and Vimeo will not be going out of fashion any time soon as the popularity of video gets bigger by the day.
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