Donald Trump did not bow when he met Japan's emperor on Monday, opting to lower his head slightly instead.Bowing to international leaders has been a contentious issue for US presidents in the past.In Japan, bowing is an important sign of respect and following local customs helpsstrengthen diplomatic relations.The US president is normally advised on important customs by the chief of protocol, but the role is yet to be filled.US President Donald Trumpdid not bow when he met Japan's emperor on Monday. Instead, Trump stooped and slightly tilted his headas agesture of respect to the 83-year-old leader.Bowing is an important sign of respect in Japan. However, US presidents have been criticized at home forbowing, which can be seen as appearing less powerful. In 1994, President Bill Clinton bent forward with his hands together to meet Japan's emperor at the White House.At the time, one White House officialsaid "Presidents don't bow, and Emperors don't toast."The then-Chief of Protocol, who is responsible forinternational decorum, said"It was not a bow-bow, if you know what I mean."But both Republican and Democrat presidents have bowed deeply, almost to 90 degrees, to Japanese emperors in the past. George H.W. Bush did so in 1989 at the funeral of the previous emperor, and Barack Obama followed suit 20 years later.While Obama was slammed by conservatives in the US for the move, his actual faux pas came from mixing two gesturesa bow and a handshake.Traditionally in Japan, onlya bow is given. However,asJapan has become the world's third-largest economy, international business customs haveproliferated insidethe country and handshakes have become more common. The issuecomes when mixing the two. Obama also bowed whenhe visited Saudi Arabia. Trump criticized the move, but appeared to do the same on his first international tripearlier this year.Respecting local customs and traditions is important for maintaining diplomaticequilibrium between countries.Briefing the president and government staffon these matters falls to the US Chief of Protocol. Howeverthis role has not yet been filled in the Trump administration, which could cause problems in Asia where showing respect with specific gestures is incredibly important.Trump's nominee forChief of Protocol, Sean P. Lawler, is yet to be confirmed after a hearing before theSenateCommittee on Foreign Relations last week.Lawler, who has worked in diplomacy for the Navy and National Security Council, told senators that protocol is his "bread and butter."One of the things with protocol is to do no harm. Going into this one of my goals right off the bat is to put [out] a good face and set the stage for diplomacy for the President," Lawler said.Join the conversation about this storyNOW WATCH: 6 airline industry secrets that will help you fly like a pro
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