We asked experts from TopResume to make over the rsum of a professional with enough experience to no longer be considered entry-level.The experts top-loaded the rsum, made it easier to read, and emphasized job experience over college experience.You can use these tips to make over your own rsum.It may not feel like it, but once you've got a few years of job experience under your belt, you're not an entry-level employee anymoreyou're mid-level.Your approach to finding a job will need to change accordingly.No longer can you rely on what you did in college to impress potential employersnow it's up to you to convey what you've learned and accomplished in the working world.With a diverse range of positions over the past five years, Lucy (not her real name) wanted to find a job supporting the administration in higher education, but her rsum, which read more like that of an entry-level worker, wasn't landing her interviews.As part of Business Insider's rsum makeover series with TopResume, we thought we could help.We asked Joe S., a rsum writer with TopResume, to rewrite Lucy's rsum and make it more appropriate for a mid-level employee looking to transition careers.Joe focused on highlighting the hard and soft skills Lucy has acquired from her various positions. He also emphasized her experience in teaching to position her for entry into a role more focused on learning and development.Amanda Augustine, the career advice expert for TopResume, explains some of the changes Joe made to Lucy's rsum to prepare her for the job search.While your rsum may look different, these specific pointers should help you overhaul your own rsum:SEE ALSO:8 changes experts made to vastly improve the real rsum of a mid-level job hunterDON'T MISS:38 things you should remove from your rsum before it ends up in the 'no' pile1. Added LinkedIn profileLucy already had a LinkedIn profile, but she hadn't added this information to her rsum.Joe made sure Lucycustomized the public URL for his LinkedIn profileto include her name before adding it to her new rsum."LinkedIn is not only a great place to build your personal brand and make connections in your field, but employers expect to find you on there," Augustine said.She pointed to a Jobvite survey, which found thatabout 90% of employers use LinkedIn to search for and evaluate job candidates.2. Removed street address"Gone are the days when you're required to include your full mailing address at the top of your rsum," Augustin said.In fact, she said that many security-conscious professionals intentionally remove this information out of fear of identity theft.If you're searching for a job close to home, Augustine suggested including yourcity, state, and zip code at the top ofyour rsum and excluding your street address.Otherwise, it's best to leave the entire thing off.3. Made job goals clearSince Lucy held several different positions over the past few years, Augustine said her job goals weren't obvious at first glance of her old rsum.Joe added a professional title and subhead to the top of her new rsum to clearly spell out her immediate goals and set the stage for her professional summary.See the rest of the story at Business Insider
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